Wellbeing Hub

Check out our Wellbeing Hub with health and fitness tips to make the most of your sober month!

How to avoid the sweet-tooth when giving up alcohol

By Juliet Hodges, Bupa UK on

Bupa UK’s behaviour change advisor Juliet Hodges has shared her top tips to how avoid sweet treats during a booze free month. 

Overindulging with sugary treats is a really common antidote to giving up alcohol or taking a break. Sugar is a particularly potent replacement because it has a similar effect on the brain as alcohol, releasing dopamine which gives us a feeling of pleasure. So how can you beat the odds and avoid sugar while you Go Sober?

Try “if-then” planning

If you’re determined to keep the sweet treats at a minimum, one technique you could try is “if-then” planning, which has been shown to be an effective tool for changing behaviour. For example, you might find it difficult to refuse the dessert menu at a restaurant when you’ve gone without wine. In that case, your “if-then” plan could be: if I’m handed the dessert menu at a restaurant, then I will order a coffee or mint tea instead of a pudding. You’ll find just having a plan in place for these situations will make it easier to stick to your goals.

Focus on staying sober

If you want to change your lifestyle, don’t change every aspect of your life all at once. When we decide to make a lifestyle change, it takes a lot of effort to interrupt our automatic behaviour and replace it with the new one. Giving up alcohol is difficult enough without also trying to cut out the sugar that makes it easier. While it might not be the healthiest solution, having a few treats now and again will help you stick to your sober challenge. Just make sure to cut back again when the month is over!

Replace sugar with exercise

Sugar is a tempting replacement to alcohol because of its similar effects on the brain. One way of giving yourself a natural high is through exercise. Going for a run or taking part in a high intensity gym class, like spinning, might give you a similar good feeling, but in a much healthier way.

Allow yourself treats

Cutting out alcohol this month should make you feel great – no more hangovers! – not like you’re punishing yourself. Even if you don’t allow yourself extra pudding this month, make sure you reward yourself in other ways – go on a shopping trip, book in for a massage or organise a trip somewhere. Some evidence suggests that people have more willpower for self-improvement tasks when they’re in a good mood, so depriving yourself could backfire. You’re doing a good thing for a good cause, so make sure you acknowledge and reward yourself for that.

Now’s the time! Go Sober this October

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10 Hacks to get you through Go Sober

By Juliet Hodges, Bupa UK on

Bupa UK’s behaviour change advisor Juliet Hodges shares her top ten hacks to help all those who are going booze-free.

Believe in yourself

You might be feeling apprehensive about a whole month without alcohol and wondering if you have the willpower to last a full 31 days. Research shows that yes, you do – as long as you believe you do. People who believe that willpower is unlimited tend to be better at dealing with tasks that require self-control, and also tend to be happier. Tell yourself that you can do it, and it’s more likely that you will!

Get your friends on board

Our friends and family are vital to our success with this kind of thing , – they can either be your biggest supporters, or biggest liability if they’re determined to get...

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Setting goals

By Mel Ingram on

Many of us set ourselves tasks and goals to achieve what we feel will make a difference to our lives. Sometimes we find it difficult to achieve these goals as the journey becomes too long, too hard or it simply gets overshadowed by other ‘higher priority’ tasks and therefore these goals are pushed to the side.

Start by asking yourself some simple questions that can help you take control of your life and achieve your goals –

  • What are you trying to achieve?
  • What are your habits and what do you want to change?
  • What have you achieved in life?
  • Do you live in the moment?

What are trying to achieve and what is your ultimate goal?

Is it to live cleanly, train for a 10km fun run, sleep better, lose weight, drink more water, change careers, start a...

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Tips on cutting down after your Sober October

By Go Sober Team on

Carry on your good work from October through to November and beyond. Here are some practical tips if you want to try to cut down on the amount of alcohol you’re drinking.

Quench your thirst! 

Before you start drinking, quench your thirst with a non-alcoholic drink.

Drink slowly

Have a drink of water with your alcoholic drink.

Make every second drink non-alcoholic

Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. This will help space out your drinks.

Eat when you drink

Eat food when you’re drinking, but avoid salty foods – these make you thirstier.

Dilute your alcoholic drinks

For example, a shandy (beer with lemonade) or a wine spritzer (wine with mineral water).

Treat yourself

Alcohol isn’t the only thing you can indulge in. Why not try...

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