
Paul Thomas






Days Sober





Raising Money For

Status Updates

£25.00 from Geoff Bell

Keep up the good work mate! May I recommended Moretti zero as a delicious substitute..Cheers!

Cheers Geoff, much appreciated. Guinness 00 isn't a bad sub either :)

£25.00 from Tony Jones

Gift Aid +£6.25

Keep going Paul. It gets easier!

Mr Jones, huge thanks. I'll buy you a pint when normal service is resumed in November 👍

£20.70 from Susan Starbrook

Gift Aid +£5.18

Ongoing support for this worthy charity.
Remembering Friends and Family lost to Cancer. 💕

Thank you so much Sue. This is indeed a mememorial to those we have lost as much as a fundraisewr. Thasnk you, thank you!

£25.88 from Chris Neale

Chris Neale! You legend, thank you!

£15.05 from Mark samways

A great cause Paul.

Cheers Mark!

£20.00 from Michael Clarkson

Good luck from both of us, enjoy your first pint at the end of your challenge. A very worthy cause.
Mike & Sue

Big thanks guys, means a lot 👍

£10.35 from Chris Clarke

Gift Aid +£2.59
Many thanks for the donation Chris!

£10.00 from Tim Hall

Gift Aid +£2.50


Thank You Tim!

£25.88 from Sarah Ruth Thomas

Gift Aid +£6.47

Proud of you! xx

Thanks Poofus! xx

£32.08 from Mr Robert J Ayers

Gift Aid +£8.02

A pond a day, to help keep Shipton safe!

Bob, you're a gent. Thanks for the donation!

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Sign Up Pledge Ready or not Together again With a little help from my friends Donated to Self Stand by me Target Reached 50% Target Reached 75% Don't stop me now Let's get it started What a feeling I believe I can fly Simply the best Top of the World Fly me to the moon Share My Page