
Robin Hughes






Days Sober





Raising Money For

Status Updates

£51.75 from Craig Kennedy

Gift Aid +£12.94

Best of luck Robin, good cause and sounds like a tough but well worth it challenge.

Thank you so much Craig, fortunately and surprisingly so far it has been less tough than I imagined though it is Friday night in a few hours......

£5.00 from Annette Goldring

Well done Robin from the ‘lady’ on the train !

Thank you Annette from the bloke that used to drink Cider on the train ;-)

£25.00 from Nathan Garner

Gift Aid +£6.25
Thank you Nathan - I'll have a vodka Redbull with you minus the vodka next time we meet!!!

£15.52 from James Ling

Gift Aid +£3.88
(If we can persuade him to stay sober we could halve our entertainment expenses) - Thanks James!!!!

£15.00 from Nikki Simmonds

Gift Aid +£3.75
Wow - team TIS firing on all cylinders - anything to do with my behaviour at the TPI awards? (which was a great night btw, thank you ;-) )

£15.00 from Mike Rodel

Gift Aid +£3.75

Good luck Robin! I highly recommend giving the AF Guinness a go!

Thank you Mike - it'll be on the list somewhere between Thatchers Zero and Kopperberg Zero mate, likely above zero percent lagers too (I don't like alcoholic lager)

£25.00 from Barney Jameson

Gift Aid +£6.25

Put down that cider! Well done Robin, a lovely thing to do for an important cause. I look forward to getting shitfaced in November.

Thank you Barney, appreciated and thanks for overpaying your staff so they all donated ;-) I have agreed a November meet but no guarantees as to what I will be drinking at the time, lets see, I might just be shitfaced on life lol

£10.35 from Amber Harty

Gift Aid +£2.59

Here's to being sober! :) a little something to show my support.

Thank you Amber, seems you have guilted the team into 'jumping on the (band) wagon too, appreciated. No need to overdo the Sauvage to cover up the dulcet aroma of cider any more...

£108.68 from Ic2

Gift Aid +£27.17

Great idea mate , be strong,
I can advise too 😌 ❤️

Thank you so much Andrew. I thought, anything Mr Whelan can do................................. don't worry I shall be on the phone for tips if I struggle

£51.75 from David Barrington

Gift Aid +£12.94

Go for it Robin..... do 31 days for charity and then maybe keep going just for you.

Thank you Dave - as you rightly point out, this is for two worthy causes, the jury is out as to what happens after October....... I started two weeks ago so three months would take me to just before Christmas.... just saying, then its DJ after that.

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